Mental Health & Wellbeing
We are mindful of the pressures facing young people and recognise that at times, some of our students may need some extra emotional support.
Through our Personal Development programme (inc RSHE) we provide students with various strategies that they can use to help them face the day-to-day challenges of life, and signpost them to useful resources that might be of help to them at different times. However, we recognise that sometimes students can need a bit more support.
Different services and approaches suit different students. At Wellesley Park Primary School, we have a number of ways, in and out of school, to help support our students. Students can speak to their Class Teacher or any School Adult if they have any concerns or worries and are finding it difficult to cope. There are also other places that students can go to for support.
In-School Support
Where students need additional support with their mental health and wellbeing this can be accessed through the following routes:
Senior Mental Health Lead
This person will lead and develop and implement a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.
Research indicates that taking a coordinated and evidence-informed approach to mental health and wellbeing leads to improved emotional health and wellbeing in children and young people, and greater readiness to learn.
Designated Pastoral Lead
Mrs Bagnell works with children and young people either individually or in small groups and delivers bespoke interventions tailored to the presenting situation or need.
What areas does an ELSA help with?
Loss and bereavement
Anxiety and worries
Emotional Literacy
Social Skills
Emotional Regulation
Friendship issues
Growth Mindset
Social and therapeutic stories
Managing strong feelings
Problem solving
We run social and communication groups where we learn:
Friendship building - helping children to show respect to one another and share ideas
Turn taking -practice taking turns and helping them understand and regulate the uncomfortable emotions whilst playing games
Cooperating - develop listening skills and being able to join in whilst thinking of others. For some children this may mean listening more and accepting another point of view and for others it may mean creating a safe place to find and use their voice
Boundaries - understanding their own and others’ personal space. Managing uncomfortable feelings such as anger, frustration or disappointment and overwhelming feelings of joy or excitement.
Confidence building - helping the child have faith in themselves and their own abilities and to regulate emotions in the face of real or imagined failure
Useful Contacts and Resources
Below is a list of charities and organisations that provide support to children and/or their families where there are issues around mental health and wellbeing
ChatHealth is a text service for young people aged 13-19 at secondary school to reach out to the School Nurse team for confidential advice on a wide range of issues such as bullying, emotional health and wellbeing, sexual health as well as illnesses.
For more information please visit: Home Page - ChatHealth
Phone: 07520 631722
Childline is a free and confidential service. It offers children and young people a safe way to explore their worries however big or small. Support is available by phone or online any time, day or night, plus there is a lot of information and advice on their website on a wide range of issues.
For more information please visit: Childline | Childline
Phone: 0800 1111 (Freephone)
The Mix
The Mix provides safe and confidential group chat and discussion boards, plus messaging support services and telephone counselling for young people under 25. You can visit the website, call the freephone number, or if you need help immediately you can also text The Mix on their crisis messenger text service which provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you’re aged 25 or under, and are experiencing any painful emotion or are in crisis, you can text THEMIX to 85258.
For more information please visit: The Mix - Essential support for under 25s
Phone: 0808 808 4994 (Freephone)
Young Minds Parents’ Hub and Helpline
If you are a parent needing help with your child’s emotional wellbeing you can contact the Young Minds Parent Helpline on 0808 802 5544, or visit their website, which has lots of excellent advice and information including topics such as ‘starting a conversation with your child’ and ’20 activities for 20 minutes’.
For more information please visit: Parents Mental Health Support | Advice for Your Child | YoungMinds
Phone: 0808 802 5544
Young Somerset
To request support, please visit: Young Somerset
Papyrus UK – Suicide Prevention Charity
Support for young people thinking about suicide
For more information please visit: Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (papyrus-uk.org)
HopeLine 0800 068 4141
Child Bereavement UK
For more information please visit: Child Bereavement UK Phone: 0800 02 888 40
or CRUSE Bereavement Support Phone: 0808 808 1677
Self Help Resources
The following websites, apps and courses provide useful sources of self-help for young people and families around mental health and wellbeing
Anxiety Canada
Information to help young people manage anxiety plus self-help strategies for many disorders.
Website address: Anxiety in Youth - Anxiety Canada
Free app (and advert free) for Supporting Anxiety Management. SAMapp will help you to understand what causes your anxiety, monitor your anxious thoughts and behaviour over time and manage your anxiety through self-help exercises and private reflection.
Website address: Self-help App for the Mind (SAM) (mindgarden-tech.co.uk)
Living Life to the Full for Young People
Free online course covering low mood, stress and resilience especially for young people. Work out why you feel as you do, how to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking and more. Use Code YPVC84475 or YPVC94570 to access for free
Website address: LLTTF for Young People (llttfyp.com)
Dove Self-Esteem Project: FREE Resources for Parents
The Dove Self-Esteem Project is all about boosting children and young people’s self-esteem and body confidence – and supporting parents to start important conversations at home. The free parent resources from Dove UK and Parent Zone include:
Uniquely Me Parent’s Guide – a 40-page booklet full of guidance and practical checklists for families to use together
Podcast, which dives deeper into some of the issues covered by Uniquely Me
Expert information and advice on Parent Info
To access these resources please visit: Parenting teens: Dove Self-Esteem Project resources