
At Wellesley Park Primary School, we consistently strive to maintain an environment in which behaviour is good and pupils can learn and feel safe.

We want the children in our school to develop the skills that will help them to achieve and become successful, independent and lifelong learners. We can achieve this aim when we work as a team; children, parents and staff, to create the best conditions and environment for learning. We believe that good behaviour has a positive effect on progress and learning.

  • We believe that children who are treated with respect will learn how to offer that respect to others.

  • We believe that we all have a responsibility to help children achieve a high level of positive behaviour and that best results come from working together with regular communication between home and school.

It is essential that there is consistency in dealing with behaviour throughout the school. The behaviour policy and procedures are therefore reviewed and agreed by all members of teaching and support staff.

Parental support is of crucial importance so parents/carers are made aware of the school's approach to promoting positive behaviour from the time their children enter school and parents are consulted about this.

Through both the hidden and taught curriculum, we foster a sense of community and caring for each other. In daily life, good manners and thoughtfulness are encouraged and children are praised for demonstrating these qualities.


  • To ensure that all children feel and are safe, secure and happy.

  • To enable pupils to acquire and develop a range of social skills that will prepare them for life.

  • To promote an appreciation of the needs of others and respect for their property.

  • To fully involve parents in all aspects of their child's behaviour.

  • To foster positive attitudes towards everyone with achievement at all levels being acknowledged and valued.

  • To provide a stimulating, caring, purposeful learning environment throughout the school where every child feels valued and is given the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

  • To encourage independence, self-discipline and raise self-expectations so that children learn to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and learning.

  • To ensure a clear and consistent approach to behaviour throughout the school that is supported by children, staff, parents, governors and visitors.

  • To continue to build upon the values of the school as laid out in the school’s vision statement.

  • To promote an atmosphere where children have good self-esteem and are equipped with the skills to form positive relationships.

To find out more about Behaviour and Rewards at Wellesley Park Primary School, please read our Behaviour Policy.